Terms of Use

You accept all liability when using our website, information accessed is at your own risk, we advise you to read our privacy and disclaimers to better understand how we may use your data to give you a better experience

Any information/advice on our website that you choose to follow you do so at your own risk and we do not accept any liability for any losses incurred as a result of following such advice or recommendations, naturally we try to make information as accurate as possible but things do change so you need to make your own decision. To summarize, we accept no liability for any action you take after using information you gained on our site.

Our website is not intended for children / minors, if you are a parent and allow your child to access our site you do so at your own risk for any inappropriate content they may find on our pages.

Using our site is done so purely at your own discretion and you accept any and all responsibility for taking action taken as a result of using this site. If your device spontaneously combusts while browsing our site we accept no responsibility.
