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1 year ago

Those pesky Orlando rides cause havoc on backs – i had a slipped disc from Hagrids Motorbike at Universal! It eventually eased off after a few months but boy it was a painful few months, i felt like i had to hold my lower back whenever i did anything physical! Good luck with the scan x

1 year ago

The van conversion videos are really fun to watch (even if I do start to nod off when Nick goes deep into the electrical wiring 🀣). Sending positive thoughts that you get a feet first MRI Leigh. Over here (Northern California) some facilites have open sided MRI machines. Also, if it is particularly stressful for the patient, folks here can ask their doctor for a prescription for a relaxant that is taken ahead of the scan. Normallly though you are required to have someone there to drive you home.

1 year ago

It’s amazing how much you have done I know what you mean about visiting Gail’s place of rest I feel the same about visiting my husband grave I too talk to him daily and when I visit I tell him about what I’ve been doing. Hope the MRI scan goes well keep posting these posts also loving the van life vlogs

1 year ago

Oh loving this little update!!!!!
So glad ye are both enjoying the van build ye are doing great work. I look forward to seeing nicks ring I think it’s such a beautiful thing that you can do now a days..
Leigh hope your back will be OK

1 year ago

Doing great work with the van guys, I’m loving the vlogs. I find myself watching your vlogs whenever I have free time I sit down pop YouTube on and I’m lost in the vlogs. I’m currently up to Disneyland Paris 2022 after the cruise. Love the blog would love to read more of them and the podcasts too keep them coming.

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