Nick browses recipes on his phone on Facebook stories (I prefer funny animal reels on Instagram 😍) This one popped up and he liked the look of it so we gave it a go and put our own twist on it

This very easy-to-do recipe is great for kids or anyone who loves chocolate and you can choose your own topping and your favourite chocolate bar

Items you will need πŸŽ„

  • You can make this as big or small as you want depending on the size of your oven tray. We will list the items we used
  • Six bars of chocolate. You can use whichever your favourite chocolate is, all milk, all white or mix it up however you want. We went for two bars of white, 2 milk, and 2 dark
  • Your choice of topping. We went for;
  • Peanut M & M’s
  • Mixed nuts
  • Crushed up shortbread
  • Baking paper

How to make it πŸŽ…

  • Open the bars of chocolate and place them on your baking tray. If you are using different colours of chocolate then alternate them which will make a swirl pattern
  • Put the oven tray in the oven at 100 (gas mark 1.5) and keep an eye on it. Ours took around less than minutes to melt. You don’t want to burn the chocolate.
  • Once the chocolate has melted, take the tray out of the oven. Drag a spatula or a chopstick (as we did) through the chocolate to mix it up and create your swirl pattern

Making the topping 🀢

  • You can get creative with your topping and choose what you like such as marshmallows, dried fruit, nuts, smarties, M & M’s, your favourite biscuits crushed up, granola, cereal, etc.
  • We used peanut M & M’s, mixed nuts, and crushed shortbread
  • Crush or break your topping up. We used a rolling pin to crush the nuts and M&M’s and shortbread
  • Sprinkle as much of the topping as you want all over the chocolate
  • Sprinkle some grated coconut or icing sugar over it if you want to make it look a bit more festive
  • Put the tray in the fridge for around an hour to cool. When it’s cooled enough it will come away from the baking paper easily.
  • Once it’s cooled, break it up into pieces and your bark is finished and ready

Makes a great little gift 🎁

Christmas bark can make a great little gift for someone if you have a box or bags to put them in, stick a bow on it and you have a tasty little treat bag

Let us know in the comments below if you make it and what you think about it

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